Seni is a brand trusted by millions of people worldwide.
It accompanies inco people and caregivers of chronically ill and disabled people, providing them premium quality absorbent products and skin care solutions.

Benefits of Seni
• Less sweating thanks to 100% breathable outer layer
• Less risk of skin irritation and associated dermatitis
• Prevention of bedsores
• Lower risk of leaks
• Fewer changes of underpads and bedding
• Fewer medical appointment
• Comfort, dignity and safety

Seni products are BREATHABLE
and allow vapors to go through.
NO BREATHABLE products keep the vapors and moisture close to the skin which can cause irritations.
Using a more absorbent product means
• More dignity and fewer changes
• No needs to disturb sleep
• Less pain for chronically ill
• More time to spend with loved ones talking, walking, playing or readying
- the better activities of life
• The freedom to go out and enjoy life without fear of embarrassing leaks
• Lower use of under pads, washcloths and gloves for changing
• Fewer laundry loads and linen changes
• Less physical under-warding work for caregivers
The high absorbency and fully breathable outer layers of Seni Premium Quality products make it possible to use them longer while still keeping the skin dry to prevent irritation or breakdown. This saves your time and money as well as supporting health.

SENI Canada - Westech Health Care
5255 McCall Way NE, #154 Calgary,
AB T2E 7J5 Canada
(Office + Warehouse)
TF. 844-323-0022 Tel: 587-323-0022